Applicazioni Ortopediche,
alcuni casi trattati con la metodica di ILIZAROV

Articolo informativo di Giuseppe Pinna per S. O. S. - “Osteomielitici d’Italia” - Onlus «Centro Servizi Informativi On-line per Osteomielitici e Pazienti dell’Ospedale CODIVILLA-PUTTI di Cortina d’Ampezzo».

The Center's Ilizarov history
Prof. Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov

The Centre’s history on calendar pages

Month Date
The 21st of January 1974 – The certificate № 49833 dated 21.01.74 for the KSRIECOT (the Kurgan Scienti-fic Research Institution of Experimental Clinical Othopaedics and Traumatology) emblem “a tree in a ring and two palms” was received.
It was handed by the State Committee on Inventions.
The 13th of January 1982 – In Italy the Association for the Study and Application of the Method of Iliza-rov (ASAMI) was established.
The 6th of February 1969 - The USSR Ministry of Health and the Committee on Inventions of medical ap-paratus of the Ministry decided to name after Ilizarov the apparatus which he had invented.
The 19th of February 1982 - The Centre was awarded by the order «a Badge of Honor» for the attained successes in development of health care medical science, and the Centre’s staff was conferred the ho-norary title «The Staff of high culture».
The 1st of February 1984 – In the KSRIECOT the postgraduate course on the subject "Traumatology and orthopaedics» was organised.
The 24th of March 1978 – G. A. Ilizarov was awarded «The Order of the Smile».
The 24th of March 1988 – The first international courses on lenthening of extremities were held in the Centre.
The 28th ofApril 1978 – G. A. Ilizarov was awarded by the Lenin Prize.
The 2nd of April 1980 - The well-known Italian traveller Karlo Mauri came on treatment to the Kurgan research Institution of experimental and clinical orthopaedics and traumatology.
The 12th of April 1993 –The Russian State Scientific Centre «Restorative traumatology and orthopaedics» was named after the academician G. A. Ilizarov.
The 21st of May 1968 – The Olympic champion in diving Valery Brumel came on treatment to Ilizarov to Kurgan.
The 8th of May 1985 – According to the results of 1984 the Red Flag of the USSR Ministry of Health was handed to the the Kurgan research Institution of experimental and clinical orthopaedics and traumato-logy on perpetually storage for excellent achivements in socialist competition of the Scientific Research Institution.
The 9th of June 1952 – G. A. Ilizarov declared «the Method of jointing of bones at fractures and the ap. paratus for implementation of this method».
The 8th of June 1971 – The scientific consultative polyclinic department was organized by the branch or der № 63 dated 08.06.1971.
The 15th of June 1993 – The museum of the Centre’s history of development was opened.
The 24th of July 1992 – The Memorial Day of the academician Ilizarov Gavriil Abramovich.
The 15th of July 2003 - A. N. Yerohin, M. D., made bicycle race «Kurgan – Orenburg – Kurgan» devoted to the 65th Anniversary of his teacher prof. V. I. Shevtsov under the guidance of whom he worked on the doctoral dissertation.
The 24th of August 1952 – The first article about Ilizarov and the lenthening of extremities on 12,5 sm was published in the newspaper «Red Kurgan».
The 17th of August 1954 – The author's certificate on the invention «the Method of jointing of bones at fractures and the apparatus for implementation of this method» was received.
The 13th of August 1976 – G. A. Ilizarov was given the rank of "Professor" of the subject "orthopaedics and traumatology".
The 14th of September 1953 – The USSR Ministry of Health permitted application of the Ilizarov appa-ratus.
The 17-18th of September 1983 – The KSRIECOT new building in the shape of a snowflake was built.
The eleven new departments and 360 beds were opened.
66 young specialists and 400 new employees of paramedical personnel were hired.
September 1995 – The first number of the scientific theoretical practical magazine "the genius of ortho- paedics" in memory of academician G. A. Ilizarov was published.
The 1st of October 1976 - the KSRIECOT pilot plant was organized.
The 10th of October 1999 – The Centre was visited by cellist M. Rostropovich.
The 11th of October 2000 - The trade mark "Traumatology and orthopaedics on the background of the Globe" was registered.
The 10th of November 1972 - The first issue of the collection of scientific works of the KSRIECOT "Tran-sosseous compressive and distraction osteosynthesis in traumatology and orthopaedics" was published.
The 24th of December 1951 – G. A. Ilizarov officially suggested the idea of creation of the apparatus for jointing of bones.
The 30th of December 1965 - On the basis of the Kurgan hospital №2 the problem laboratory of the Sver dlovsk Scientific Research Institution of Traumatology and Orthopaedics was organised.
The head of the lab was G. A. Ilizarov.
The 8th of December 1971 – The branch of the Leningrad Scientific Research Institution of Traumatolo- gy and Orthopaedics was reorganized into the Kurgan Scientific Research Institution of Experimental and Clinical Orthopaedics and Traumatology (the KSRIECOT).
The 9th of December 1988 – The medical team of the Ilizarov Centre left for Armenia to treat the ear- thquake victims.
The 7th of December 2001 – In 2001 the Centre was awarded by the Prize of the Russian Federation Go-vernment in the field of quality.
GAVRIIL ABRAMOVICH ILIZAROV was born on the 15th of June 1921 in the town of Belovezh (Belorus).
G. A. Ilizarov passed away on July 24, 1992.
The fothographic of famous men in the Centre
Prof. Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov

The Ilizarov apparatus

Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov

The Ilizarov Apparatus

Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov

Gavriil Abramovich Ilizarov

Dr. Kailash Rao explaining the problem and the progress of the patient through the films

Fine 8ª Parte
Pubblicato su Blogger oggi 08 dicembre 2012 alle ore 20,16 da: Giuseppe Pinna de Marrubiu
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